#RSMFridayFastFive – Miss Ibaceta Campelo
Why did you become a teacher?
I knew since I was a little girl that I wanted to become a primary school teacher. Pretending to be one was my favourite games while I was playing with my dolls and growing up that idea was stuck in my head.
Why Primary School?
I am a very lucky teacher because I can see my pupils growing up from Green Shoots to Year 6. This gives me the opportunity to know them from an early age and see them growing up (It is a massive drama for me when they have to leave at the end of Year 6). I enjoy each step of their learning and to see how they develop their personalities is amazing.
Favourite Subjects at School?
I know that most people could think that my favourite subject at School was English, but I have to say that it wasn’t at all. Drama could be a good subject for me, as I am a bit of a drama queen, but we don’t have subjects like this one in Spain! However, my favourite subject was art, where I was able to express myself in a different way.
Most Memorable Teaching Moment?
During my teacher training in Spain, I ended up working with SEND children. One of them had ASD and he always refused to work with a partner. He was always on his own and didn’t much like to have contact with the others. But one day he decided to move his desk next to mine and chose me as his partner. I will never forget the feeling of being able to create such an amazing connection with him.
Favourite Quote?
Pies, ¿para qué los quiero si tengo alas para volar? (Feet, what do I need you for when I have wings to fly?) Frida Kahlo.