Forest School at RSM
Set in 15 acres of grounds, our children get to enjoy regular visits to our Forest School where they are able to do lots of exploring.
On a typical Forest School visit, this usually includes digging, water painting, racing cars down slopes and making mud potions. One of the fun activities that all the children were excited to have a go at in the Summer Term was walking barefoot through different trays full of natural materials, including grass and water, and then describe how it felt.
Year 2 recently took their maths and science learning to Forest School where they worked together to measure and estimate, order and compare in centimetres and metres, collecting all sorts of natural objects. The children found it great fun exploring measurement outside! They also identified different trees and noticed how they are changing as we moved towards summer.
The Forest School area has been looking beautiful in the Summer Term with lots of colourful wildflowers and luscious leaves. The children were busy identifying all the new blooms and buds on their visits there and enjoyed hammering to make pressed flowers and improving their drilling skills.