
Academic Success


The ingredients that make up our academic success might surprise you!

A relentless focus on wellbeing

Without the self-esteem, confidence and sense of belonging critical to wellbeing, it is impossible for your child to achieve his or her potential. With them, the chances of success are optimised. That’s why wellbeing is the absolute bedrock of everything we do and the reason for academic success.

Truly holistic and individual support

Your child is known by all staff thanks to a termly ‘form focus’ meeting where every child is considered, thought about and discussed by everyone involved. The result is a joined up picture of your child and an understanding that enables personalised support (from our highly trained SENDCo if necessary) both in and out of the classroom. No one is invisible or slips under the radar here.

A growth mindset that celebrates hard work and effort not innate talent

that’s why one assembly a week is dedicated to talking about something you’ve tried really hard at; it’s why each form celebrates hard work at the end of the year instead of a traditional prize giving. In focusing on the journey and in embracing mistakes and failure as part of improving, your child will build the resilience and risk taking required to succeed.

A rich, broad and stimulating curriculum

Covering STEAM, Computing, Languages, Science, Philosophy, PHSE, the Humanities (History, Geography and Religious Studies), Art, Drama, Music and Sport galore as well as the core subjects of Maths and English.

Committed staff

Recruited for their desire to see children flourish and overcome hurdles, trained in the art of learning, focused on building relationships not CV’s. When coupled with staff ratios that facilitate individual attention and the conversations that matter, real growth happens.

An emphasis on lifelong learning

 right from Reception your child will be part of our Philosophy for Children programme which develops critical and abstract thinking. In discussing whether Red Riding Hood should have deviated from the path, for example, your child learns to question, evaluate, decide and articulate. In listening to others, and building on their ideas, academic standards are lifted for everyone and your child develops important soft skills such as communication and teamwork. 


All pupils achieve extremely well, academically and in extra curricular activities.

ISI Inspection Report Feb 2023