#RSMFridayFastFive – Mrs Graves
Why did you choose a career working with children?
I knew from an early age that I wanted to work with children, so becoming a teacher was an easy career choice for me. When I was young, I had a wonderful time boarding at a prep school in Malvern. The good quality, warm natured and holistic teaching there inspired and encouraged me to believe that anyone can achieve highly if they have a passion and faith in themselves. When I left school, I wanted to pass this experience on, and teaching has given me the opportunity to do this. I strongly believe that positive, happy children learn best so learning with life skills in mind is at the heart of my teaching style. I care very deeply about working with young minds and helping to shape them positively for the future.
Your favourite subjects at school?
I enjoyed most subjects at school as I love learning new things and throwing myself into everything. I particularly liked English, History and PE.
Why Upper School?
I enjoy teaching all year groups from Early Years right up to Year 6. I find that the Upper School environment gives lots of scope to foster a sense of community and belonging amongst the children. This is particularly true in Year 6 where students really express themselves and become much more independent. Preparation for the transition to senior school is vital and requires them to take on a new sense of responsibility managing their time, work and independent learning. I really enjoy helping them think about their personal growth as well as laying the foundation for their future educational experiences.
Most memorable moment in your teaching career?
There have been many, many memorable moments in my teaching career that I have enjoyed immensely but the one that sticks out the most was when a Reception age child enquired about an older colleague’s age. When I replied that they were 21 years old, she looked at me very inquisitively and said, “Amazing, have her numbers started all over again then?!”. Moments like this show me just how young minds work!
My favourite quote:
“Education is a kindling flame – not the filling of a vessel. The role of the adult is to be part of the learning environment – looking for opportunities to dance with the learner – to invite not to tell”. Anon