Remembrance at RSM 2023
Remembrance was commemorated in a variety of ways at RSM this year culminating in a beautiful Remembrance Service with singing from the choristers in St Mary’s Church. Afterwards the Choristers and RSM children made the traditional walk to the school’s memorial garden where the school’s Values Leaders laid a wreath.
Each year, the Remembrance Service is held on the nearest possible Friday to 11 November. This year’s service was as poignant as ever with the Choir singing, For the Fallen (Guest) and a contemporary anthem, A Goodnight (Richard Rodney Bennett). The Last Post was played beautifully by RGS 6th former, Bronwen R. The mood was suitably respectful as all the children understood the meaning of the occasion, showing great maturity in their stillness.
The day before, Year 6 chorister, Rufus Green, played his cornet to the school on the previous day during hymn practice, explaining clearly and movingly the history of the tradition, how it had been used on battlefields and in army camps over the centuries.