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#RSMFridayFastFive – Mrs Cooper

Why did you choose a career working with children?
From the age of 8, I always knew I wanted to be a primary school teacher. I was very lucky to have so many inspiring teachers growing up and I knew that I wanted to give the same back to others.

Your favourite subjects at school?
My favourite subjects at school were probably History and RE. I love learning about the past and how much the world has changed. I find different religions and practices fascinating, and it was my RE teacher who confirmed my decision to become a teacher as she was so supportive and enthusiastic.

Why Upper School?
I have spent most of my career teaching KS2. I enjoy watching children become more independent and love watching them become absorbed by topics. I think the transition to senior school is such a big step for all children and I enjoy helping them prepare for their next exciting journey.

Most memorable moment in your teaching career?
It is so difficult to pick just one memorable moment in my career as I have had so many. One highlight was on a Year 6 residential where I watched one child grow hugely in confidence. She showed immense resilience and it was wonderful to watch her friends be so supportive and encouraging!

My favourite quote:

Oscar Wilde “Be yourself; everyone else is already taken.

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