#RSMFridayFastFive – Mrs Selkirk
Why did you choose a career working with children?
I was fortunate enough to have a very positive time at both my primary and senior schools, and was fascinated by the whole learning process, hence felt I had the potential and definitely the enthusiasm to offer back to others an education comparable to the positive one I had experienced.
Your favourite subjects at school?
Maths by far, closely followed by English Literature. I always wanted to be good at art and music but due to less than encouraging teachers in these areas I gave up, which is why I am a huge advocate of a growth mindset approach from teachers as well as children.
Why Lower School?
The first part of my career was spent teaching Years 3-6, I then had the opportunity to run a boarding house for 11-14 year olds. I absolutely loved the role which was wholly pastoral, however after 7 years it was time to move to pastures new, and I returned to teaching. I spent a year teaching a Year 5/6 class but I had an itch; I realised I really wanted to get an understanding of ‘where it all began’.
Moving to Year 1/Year 2 was a shock to say the least, but I quickly realised that it was where my heart was. Maybe at that point I was not quite brave enough, or perhaps I didn’t have the energy levels with two young children at home, to move to Reception so I spent 6 years in that post, then in 2006 through a transfer to a new school I moved to Early Years and have never looked back!
The progress the children make from 2-7 years old is phenomenal, with such significant brain development. Hence the highest quality education, in its most holistic sense, is essential if we are to give the children an excellent, solid foundation on which to build; it is this that I have always aspired to achieve.
Most memorable moment in your teaching career?
I have had so many, but for me I love it when the children have that ‘lightbulb’ moment and their face just lights up, this is what gives me the greatest buzz!
My favourite quote:
One I read recently, which I feel just sums life up:
‘We tend to forget that happiness doesn’t come as a result of getting something we don’t have, but rather of recognising and appreciating what we do have’ Frederick Keonig