#RSMFridayFastFive – Mrs Walters
Why did you choose a career working with children? I didn’t initially but I always enjoyed coaching sport and, after one particularly bad day at work, I decided that it was time to become a teacher. I went to university, completed my teaching degree and here I am many years later still enjoying the thrill and excitement of teaching. I love the energy and fun that comes from a class of children. I enjoy the interaction with the pupils and their openness to learning new skills. I see teaching as a privilege and try to make the most of it every day.
Your favourite subjects at school? Games, Maths and Geography. Oh and not forgetting history, science, art and music. My absolute passion was and still is reading. I learnt a lot from my friends and some amazing teachers (especially Mrs Brown my English teacher) and can only hope that I will be as good as they were one day. As you can tell I was really happy at school!
Eco credentials? Geography is fascinating because it is all around us, the majesty of our countryside, the power of the oceans and the wonder of nature. At school, it inspired me to look after our world for future generations and that is why I am proud to now be a part of the school Eco Committee.
A memorable moment in your teaching career? A tough and yet easy one. Whenever somebody I have taught comes up to me and says. “ You’re Mrs Walters and I can still remember you teaching me …………… You inspired me to learn more and now I am………..” Nothing beats knowing that you may have made a difference to someone’s life.
My favourite quote: I think this quote explains why I teach and my hopes for the world that future generations will live in.
The future depends on what you do today.
Mahatma Gandhi