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World Book Day 2024

‘Read Your Way’ was the message superbly delivered by our Year 6 Library Leaders as we celebrated World Book Day. Encouraging children to experiment with different of types and genres of books and to find a place and time to read which suits them best, is the key to unlocking their individual love of reading.

It was such a pleasure to see the school filled with enormous creativity and excitement as the children proudly wore their wonderful headbands. Throughout the day classes were enjoying many book related activities including class teacher reading swaps, online author events, book quizzes and older children joining the younger children to read to them. Year 4 had a visit from Mr Stevenson who ran a fantastic interactive workshop on ‘How to write your own book’ and used AI to generate a book cover for the children’s own story ideas. Last week, Year 5 met Author Alex English at Reigate Grammar School and learnt how to write a book from firstly developing a magical map of a imaginary world. All is not over yet, we still have ‘West End in Schools’ coming in to Years 1, 2 and 3 next week to ‘make books come to life’ using dance and movement and the following week sees Author Abie Longstaff visiting the youngest of our children.


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