World Ocean Day
Year 2 have been exploring the issues facing our oceans, such as plastic pollution, over fishing, sewage and oil spills. We have learnt how important it is to protect our oceans as they are vital for our planets survival. We made our own ocean posters to raise awareness for World Ocean Day on 8th June.
Year 2 have enjoyed a wonderful day in the sunshine at Shoreham. They spent the morning on the beach, very fitting for World Oceans Day! They had a beach scavenger hunt, went litter picking, created pebble art and dipped their toes in the sea. After picnicking on the beach, they visited RNLI Shoreham to hear about the life saving work the RNLI volunteers do, as well as see all of their lifeboats and kit. The teachers were so proud of the wonderful Year 2 children’s behaviour and enthusiasm. What a brilliant day!